Veldkamp’s Garden Center
Caladiums are a type of plant that grow in tropical climates. They have large, heart-shaped leaves and come in many different colors. The plants are ideal for growing outdoors in warm weather, and they can be grown as houseplants year-round if you live in an area with mild winters.
The formal name for caladiums is Caladium bicolor. Caladium plants were originally discovered growing in South America. These plants were grown as ornamentals for their beautiful leaf shapes and colors. Today, caladiums are cultivated in many tropical regions around the world including Southeast Asia, Africa, and Australia. Caladiums, also called elephant ears, are a member of the aroid family. Aroids are plants that grow from tubers and produce flowers that look like small, brightly colored trumpets. Caladiums are native to South America but can be grown in many parts of the world, including the United States.
Caladiums have been cultivated since 1851. They get their name from the Latin word calamus, meaning “reed” or “bamboo,” which refers to their leaf shape. Caladiums grow best in full sun but will tolerate partial shade. They will tolerate most soils as long as they’re not too wet or too dry. The best time to plant caladium bulbs is in late summer or early fall before it gets too cold for them.

Growing and Care Recommendations
Caladiums are a beautiful, tropical plant with large leaves. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, and they look great when you grow them in hanging baskets or planters. Caladiums are a beautiful addition to any garden or container. They grow best in warm, humid climates but can be grown in containers with a little extra attention. If you live in an area that gets plenty of rain and heat, you’ll have no trouble growing these beautiful plants.
They’re also easy to care for and propagate, so if you want to add some bright color to your yard or patio, caladiums are a great choice!
Soil for Caladiums
Caladiums like rich soil with plenty of organic matter mixed in. You can also add peat moss or other organic materials like compost or bark chips as well to help maintain moisture and provide nutrients. It’s important not to use fertilizer with too many nitrogen-based compounds since these can cause the leaves on your caladiums to turn brown and die off. Instead, use an organic fertilizer that is high in phosphorous and potassium instead of nitrogen (which is found in many fertilizers).
How to Grow Caladiums
Caladiums are very easy to grow from seedlings—just plant them outside once all danger of frost has passed (usually late spring/early summer) and keep them watered regularly until they flourish!
Caladiums are easy to care for if you follow these tips:
- Caladiums prefer indirect light, so place them away from direct sunlight.
- Keep your caladium plants moist but not wet. When watering them, water until the water runs out of the bottom of the container; this will help prevent root rot.
- Fertilize your caladium plants every month with liquid fertilizer or compost tea.